Paris Agreement Pmfias

The Paris Agreement is an international treaty that aims to combat the harmful effects of climate change. First signed in 2016, it has been ratified by over 190 countries. The agreement seeks to limit global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

The Paris Agreement has a number of important provisions. One of these is the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). These are voluntary goals set by each country to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The NDCs can be revised every five years to ensure that countries are making progress towards their targets.

Another key aspect of the Paris Agreement is the establishment of a financial mechanism to support developing countries in their efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. This includes the provision of climate finance, technology transfer, and capacity building.

Recently, the Paris Agreement has come under scrutiny from the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. In a speech at the United Nations General Assembly, he called for a more equitable distribution of the responsibilities under the agreement. Specifically, he argued that wealthier countries should provide more resources to support developing countries in their efforts to combat climate change.

This stance has been supported by the Prime Ministers of other developing countries, including Brazil, South Africa, and China. These leaders have argued that the Paris Agreement should not place undue burden on developing countries, which are already struggling with poverty and other challenges.

Overall, the Paris Agreement remains a critical tool in the fight against climate change. While there are certainly challenges to be addressed, its provisions provide a framework for global cooperation on this pressing issue. As the world continues to grapple with the impacts of climate change, it is essential that we work together to find solutions that are fair and effective for all.

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